In honor of Veteran’s Day, November 11th, we want to honor our veterans who served and are buried here in Zion Cemetery. These are just a few of those who served in the military but the time period or war is not specified on their tombstone.
Carl W. Barg – Tech 5 Med Det III Illinois Infantry
August “Gus” Bruegge – Co E 15
William George Brunken – MO Seaman 2 Cl Navy
Theodore Canary – US Calvary MO Pvt 23 Inf 1 Div
Raymond J. Crouch – 2nd LT KIA
John Deacon – MO SUE Sgt Inf
Clifford M. Dial – US Navy Seabees
Kenneth John Draeger – MS 3 US Navy
George Frank Lutzi– Pvt US Army 1918-1919
Hugo O. Kronmueller – MO Pvt Motor Trans Corp
Paul Robert McLaird – MO A3C 51 Air Base GF AF
Lester C. Macklin – Illinois NG 1917-?
William Morrison – CO K 17th Infantry
William Nagel – MO Cpl US Marine Corps 1957-1960